Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H UNLOCK Done By Octopus Box Unknown 3:04 AM Flash File Edit Platform: Samsung AndroidSelected port: COM1Selected model: SM-G900HADB server killed.Detected phone model: SM-G900HFirmware compiled date: Thu Mar 13 23:16:27 KST 2014PDA version: G900HXXU1ANCDCSC version: G900HUUB1ANCDSW version: G900HXXU1ANCEPhone IMEI: 35328XXXXXXXXPhone SN: RF1F335GPXMAndroid version: 4.4.2 (KOT49H)Checking Root:Phone is Rooted.Reading security backup, please wait...Backup saved as C:\Program Files\Octoplus\Octoplus_Samsung\BACKUP\Security-SM-G900H-Unknown25-04-2014_19-07-02-.asec fileCheking security type...New security type is detectedExecuting exploit...Exploit has been executed successfully Unlocking phone. This can take some time. Please wait...Phone is successfully unlockedTo finish the operation, please restart the phone via phone's menu (don't disconnect the battery!) Tnx Octopus Team Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About Unknown This is a short description in the author block about the author. You edit it by entering text in the "Biographical Info" field in the user admin panel. RELATED POSTS
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